Friday, May 6, 2011

Children, Cool, images
A few nice Children images I found:

THE TEA PICKERS -- Child Labor in Old Japan


Image by Okinawa Soba

19th Century Child Labor.

The above photo was accompanied by these words written in 1897 : ".....In 1894, Japan exported FIFTY MILLION POUNDS OF TEA, three-fourths of which came to the UNITED STATES.... The labor of picking of this immense crop is performed largely by CHILDREN..."

If you hit the ALL SIZES button, you will fine a couple of cute expressions in there.

Sorry, no stats given here on Child Labor in Japan.


Elsewhere in the world..........

"........That the shameful practice of child labor should have played an important role in the [development of "civilized countries"] is not to be wondered at. The displaced working classes, from the seventeenth century on, took it for granted that a family would not be able to support itself if the children were not employed...... The children of the poor were forced by economic conditions to work..... In 1840 perhaps only twenty percent of the children.....had any schooling, a number which had risen by 1860, when perhaps half of the children between 5 and 15 were in some sort of school, if only a day school.....; the others were working.

Many of the more fortunate [children] found employment as apprentices to respectable trades (in the building trade workers put in 64 hours a week in summer and 52 hours a week in winter) or as general servants â€" there were over 120,000 domestic servants alone at mid-century, who worked 80 hour weeks â€" but many more were not so lucky. Most prostitutes (and there were thousands.....) were between 15 and 22 years of age.

Many children worked 16 hour days under atrocious conditions, as their elders did. Ineffective [laws] to regulate the work of workhouse children in factories and.... mills to 12 hours per day had been passed..... After radical agitation [was organized] to demand a ten hour day for children, a royal commission [recommended that] children aged 11-18 be permitted to work a maximum of twelve hours per day; children 9-11 were allowed to work 8 hour days; and children under 9 were no longer permitted to work at all (children as young as 3 had been put to work previously).

This act applied only to the textile industry, where children were put to work at the age of 5, and not to a host of other industries and occupations. Iron and coal mines (where children, again, both boys and girls, began work at age 5, and generally died before they were 25), gas works, shipyards, construction, match factories, nail factories, and the business of chimney sweeping...... where the exploitation of child labor was more extensive, was to be enforced..... by a total of four inspectors. After further radical agitation, another [law] limited both adults and children to ten hours of work daily.........."

That was civilized ENGLAND in the 19th Century.

Other countries, including the USA were as bad or worse, with many lame laws being circumvented on a regular basis, in the most dark, dangerous, and grisly working conditions.

I'm sure many of the kids who worked the heavy machinery in the knitting mills, or lived like moles in the coal mine of the West (as they also did in some places in Japan) would happily have traded places with these Japanese kids who are picking tea !!!

Okinawa_Soba has nothing against kids doing their chores around the house and/or farm, and learning to take responsibility --- but not to the extent that it replaces "Reading, Writing, and 'Rithmatic". Nor simply work for the sake of work, with no other hope given except to survive long enough to eat, lose a few fingers or a limb, and then die of some occupational disease --- all while enriching the life of your boss, and matrons living on High Street.

It any case, it is pretty clear that the "Child Protection" and "regulation-filled" world we know today in the more prosperous nations of NORTH AMERICA, EUROPE, and JAPAN was built on the backs of our children, and we live like such a world never existed.

However, many other countries continue to tread this old path, and the wealthy nations don't ask many questions about the source of the goods they import, or the conditions under which they were manufactured.

And that included the FIFTY MILLION POUNDS OF TEA a year that was sipped in the cool shade by the Matrons and Patrons of tea parties in the West --- all of it picked by the CHILDREN of Japan.

Rural school children, San Augustine County, Texas (LOC)


Image by The Library of Congress

Vachon, John,, 1914-1975,, photographer.

Rural school children, San Augustine County, Texas

1943 April

1 transparency : color.

Title from FSA or OWI agency caption.
Transfer from U.S. Office of War Information, 1944.

World War, 1939-1945
United States--Texas--San Augustine County

Format: Transparencies--Color

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA,

Part Of: Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Collection 12002-56 (DLC) 93845501

General information about the FSA/OWI Color Photographs is available at

Persistent URL:

Call Number: LC-USW36-831

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